Industries Served

The Piper can be put to use on any connection using stud bolts or hex bolts, both of which are widely used in the petroleum and chemical industries.

We first developed this solution for use in the Oil & Gas industry. Oil rigs and refineries often involve multi-story structures with pipe connections throughout the facility. Too often, regular maintenance work results in dropped objects, which can lead to injuries or fatalities. These multi-story facilities can take advantage of The Piper’s improved safety and decreased man-hours for maintenance. The Piper reduces the risk of dropped tools, and reduces the number of craftsmen required to complete a single breakout job.

Transportation of petrochemicals often involves the same stud bolt or hex bolt connections, so pipelines offer another opportunity to put The Piper to use. While dropped object risk is reduced in these scenarios, The Piper can still dramatically reduce man-hours required for a job. Additional industries that benefit from The Piper include: chemical production, which often involves multi-story structures and transmission pipelines; wind energy, which utilizes studs and hex bolts at tremendous heights.